Monday, November 10, 2014

I'm still here!

So I've not made as much progress as I'd like. However, I've still managed about a 4kg loss so far, though only apparently 1 inch off around my waist. I don't know, I'm just letting it come off where ever it wants to come off. As long as my boobs don't disappear!
I was pleasantly surprised by my mother asking me if I'd lost weight last weekend. She's not normally one to notice, so it was nice for once.
Anyway, we're readjusting how we're going to keep track of our progress. We're going to focus on the waist measurements, any weight change will be monitored casually, since our scales are just... Very unreliable. So focusing on waist. I'm currently 112.5cm. I'm going to aim to get down to 107cm by Christmas. Nothing too dramatic, so hopefully easily attainable, yet still a decent loss. Small victories. Here's to a better self!


  1. here's to small victories!!!! and people noticing!!!! yaaaays as long as you're willing to keep going you've already won.

    1. That's exactly it! The heat is absolutely sapping what little energy I have, and with 2 pretty major assignments due one week apart I'm struggling to get back to exercising, but at least I'm drinking heaps, and not going crazy with snacky unhealthy food like I usually crave when it's assignment time. It's too hot hahaha
