Thursday, October 30, 2014


So looks like Sherry and I have both been a little lapse on the blogging. We haven't fallen off the wagon though (at least not completely!), I'm assuming. Not that I trust them, but my scales are giving a lower measurement as well. I keep forgetting to get the tape measure out, though, to confirm. However, I've been directed to a new exercise regime that will help build core muscles and shred fat. Arrow has been a bad (or should I say good, in this instance?) influence on my partner and I. But then, Oliver Queen spends a lot of each episode shirtless, so it's bound to have that effect. And Felicity's awesome outfits has flared that obsession into a roaring fire, for me. I do so love her retro looks!
So we'll be getting stuck into tightening the screws in the gym we bough from Sherry, as well as alternating doing the school "run" (we walk at different paces, and I walk better by myself) and this new regime. Also, with summer seeming to have come early this year, we'll have no choice but to drink a LOT of water. Plus a temporary forced change in diet, and hopefully I'll have some concrete changes to report! It's just very hard to be motivated to do anything in this horrid heat that we've been having here lately, and due to my lack of thyroid, I don't cope well at all in temperatures about 30 degrees Celsuis!
I'll keep on chugging along, doing my best, and not feeling too bad when I trip up, just get up, dust myself off and keep on going. If only everything were that simple, right?

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