So looks like Sherry and I have both been a little lapse on the blogging. We haven't fallen off the wagon though (at least not completely!), I'm assuming. Not that I trust them, but my scales are giving a lower measurement as well. I keep forgetting to get the tape measure out, though, to confirm. However, I've been directed to a new exercise regime that will help build core muscles and shred fat. Arrow has been a bad (or should I say good, in this instance?) influence on my partner and I. But then, Oliver Queen spends a lot of each episode shirtless, so it's bound to have that effect. And Felicity's awesome outfits has flared that obsession into a roaring fire, for me. I do so love her retro looks!
So we'll be getting stuck into tightening the screws in the gym we bough from Sherry, as well as alternating doing the school "run" (we walk at different paces, and I walk better by myself) and this new regime. Also, with summer seeming to have come early this year, we'll have no choice but to drink a LOT of water. Plus a temporary forced change in diet, and hopefully I'll have some concrete changes to report! It's just very hard to be motivated to do anything in this horrid heat that we've been having here lately, and due to my lack of thyroid, I don't cope well at all in temperatures about 30 degrees Celsuis!
I'll keep on chugging along, doing my best, and not feeling too bad when I trip up, just get up, dust myself off and keep on going. If only everything were that simple, right?
Weight Loss blog celebrating goals achieved, new recipes and motivating each other. If you want to share a story, please contact one of the admins and we can help you out!
Thursday, October 30, 2014
Monday, October 20, 2014
Hey, success!!
So I've been slack, as I stated in my last post, but over the past month I've managed to lose 4kg! I don't feel quite so bad, now, and I did feel a little different when I got up this morning. Doing a happy dance right now. Now to settle into a good routine and watch those scales keep on dropping!!
Saturday, October 18, 2014
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Courtesy of Flickr user Ernesto Flores for Herbalife |
It doesn't help that I'm being beaten up by my emotions, but like I said, I'm still holding on, not giving up on this just yet, although I've wanted to several times the past week.
Another Inch bites the dust!
Hello Bloggers, Shez here again...Just wanted to check in seeing as it's almost been a week since my last entry. Feeling very happy with myself even though this is a rocky road! Weighed and measured today So here are my updated stats.
I'm very excited over my updated measurements and weight. I did start off at 125.3 kg but as I gained, I count that as my top. Wow 3 inches from my hips.....uber excited at that. 7.5kg til I lose 10kg!
Anyways, Just wanted to update that I was very very excited over it yays!!!! now for 2 days off, exercise and eating right! I wonder if I could get to 121kg by Tuesday....hmmm
Signing off.
Highest Weight 126kg Current Weight 122.8kg
Highest BMI 44.12 Current BMI 43.00
Left leg 30 inch Current 29.5 inch
Right Leg 29.5 inch Current 29.5 inch
Bust 49 inch Current 48.5 inch
Waist 45.5 inch Current 44 inch
Hips 57.5 inch Current 54.5 inch
Anyways, Just wanted to update that I was very very excited over it yays!!!! now for 2 days off, exercise and eating right! I wonder if I could get to 121kg by Tuesday....hmmm
Signing off.
Monday, October 13, 2014
Goal Clothes and Alkaline
Sooo today, after a weekend that i'd rather well be forget because I was beyond slack, but i did get to catch up with a friend I hadn't seen in ages so that was alright....I'm back up to 124kg. Only a 0.6kg gain, but it's a lot when one is trying to lose weight. Sigh......ANYWAYS! I measured myself, I did lose half an inch on my hips, but gained half an inch on my bust....o.0, strange things.
Also I tried on some of my goal clothes, well one i was pleasantly surprised with, I could get it over my butt no problem, it was juts the belly stopping me from wearing them...dammit, the other pair, well not so much, I could barely get it over my butt and not even all the way, no way I could even think of doing them's the pictures to prove....
Also I tried on some of my goal clothes, well one i was pleasantly surprised with, I could get it over my butt no problem, it was juts the belly stopping me from wearing them...dammit, the other pair, well not so much, I could barely get it over my butt and not even all the way, no way I could even think of doing them's the pictures to prove....
Please excuse the mess in the room as well, i'm trying to clean and move things and I have sooo much stuff! ANYWAYS Yes that is the state of my overhang which brings me shame, It's horrible, I know guys out there, very few like stuff like that, but I don't!!!! Anyways, first pair of shorts are a size 18 BUT they're actually the same measurements of a 16 and the bottom pair are a size 14.....Now, I'll take it as a win that I could get the both that far but still a long way away from wearing them out!
I'll be starting a 12 week programme on the 27th, now, i'm not going to completely follow it because well, I do things my way. It's a low GI thing that puts your body into alkaline and all that jazz, shows you can eat your cake but balance it out etc. It will have monthly weigh ins, measurements etc and I get to have fat scans done....I think i'm going to cry XS eeeps. I never realized what having your body in alkaline could do for you.....but I refuse to cut out meat! I will eat leaner meat, but I will not cut it out!!!! No way no how! anyways.....Here's some pointers i've found out about how to get your body alkaline....
Acidity has been linked to pain, excess weight and many other health issues. Fortunately, making your body more alkaline (the opposite of acidic) is easy. Here are 10 ways to alkalize your body for more energy and vitality:
1. Start your day with a large glass of water with the juice of a whole, freshly-squeezed lemon. While lemons may seem acidic, they have the opposite effect on your body as it metabolizes them.
2. Eat a large green salad tossed in lemon juice and olive oil. Greens are among the best sources of alkaline minerals, like calcium.
3. Snack on raw, unsalted almonds. Almonds are packed with natural alkaline minerals like calcium and magnesium, which help to balance out acidity while balancing blood sugar.
4. Drink an almond milk and berry smoothie with added green powder like spirulina, chlorella, or other greens. Choose almond milk over cow’s milk, since the latter is acid-forming.
5. Go for a brisk walk or some other exercise. Exercise helps move acidic waste products so your body can better eliminate them.
6. Breathe deeply. Ideally, choose a spot that has fresh, oxygen-rich air. And, sorry Febreze, Glade, and all the other so-called “air fresheners”: air filled with these scents is not what I’m talking about here.
7. Go meat-free for a day… or longer if you like. During the metabolism of meat, there is an acid residue left behind.
8. Skip the sugar-laden dessert or soda. Sugar is one of the mosyogt acidic foods we consume. You need over 30 glasses of neutral water just to neutralize the acidity of ONE can of soda.
9. Add more veggies to your diet. No, potatoes don’t count. But sweet potatoes are a good choice (provided you’re not slathering them in sweeteners or butter). Asparagus, squash, peppers, and other vegetables are also excellent choices.
10. Sprout it out. Add more sprouts to your daily diet. They are extremely alkalizing and supercharged with nutrients and energy-boosting enzymes.
Now, I don't plan on doing half these things, possibly a few of these things may happen and I'll see what kind of change'll be interesting to see. This for me isn't just a way to lose weight, i'm experimenting on how to be healither and what works well! I think i'm going to try and drink the lemon juice in water thing first....although, I really don't like lemons :(
alkaline body,
goal clothes,
healthy change,
weight loss
Friday, October 10, 2014
Whoops but yay but bad habits go away
Sooo, A few days have passed since I last posted and well, I must say, what a cluster frak of a situation. Firstly, I gained again...back up to 125.3kg and that was while I was eating healthy. I had a bit of a downer, depression got the better of me and I ate badly, like really badly and then I got sick. My throat which is still screwed up got so red raw that I couldn't even swallow water, that sucked. But on the other hand it helped me lose 1.1kg in 3 days so I weigh in at 124.2kg. The pizza I ordered yesterday could be very very bad but I'm trying to limit my intake so I can have pizza just spread it out over a longer period of time. fingers crossed it works.
Also I can see changes in my body, they're not amazingly massive but enough to notice a difference. On my back, generally I have one set of creases, since I gained all the weight, I ended up with 3 sets. one set has almost completely dissapeared, another one has gotten smaller the normal one, I rarely get rid of, only when I hit like 100kg did I get rid of that one but i'm taking these as a win....
I have to get back to exercise, even if it is only 3 - 4 times a week for half an hour....I want to be able to walk up indro hill without puffing or not being scared to walk somewhere because I'm worried I'm going to pass out of huff and puff and well plain embarrass myself. I know my health isn't perfect but it's not as bad as it could be.
Ok so Wii fit it is tonight! I'm thinking of 20 minutes of step, maybe cardio boxing and depends how I feel, yoga.
Great now I have to find a sports bra XS
Also I can see changes in my body, they're not amazingly massive but enough to notice a difference. On my back, generally I have one set of creases, since I gained all the weight, I ended up with 3 sets. one set has almost completely dissapeared, another one has gotten smaller the normal one, I rarely get rid of, only when I hit like 100kg did I get rid of that one but i'm taking these as a win....
I have to get back to exercise, even if it is only 3 - 4 times a week for half an hour....I want to be able to walk up indro hill without puffing or not being scared to walk somewhere because I'm worried I'm going to pass out of huff and puff and well plain embarrass myself. I know my health isn't perfect but it's not as bad as it could be.
Ok so Wii fit it is tonight! I'm thinking of 20 minutes of step, maybe cardio boxing and depends how I feel, yoga.
Great now I have to find a sports bra XS
Tuesday, October 7, 2014
False start...
Today was a fail. I went to bed last night determined to attack this exercise plan. Woke up with a kink in my neck, slept with my back twisted so that was aching, and now have a horrible head cold and blocked sinus. And now feeling a little warm. Not impressed, body! Time to hit the lemon and ginger tea so I can get into it asap. The food thing at least is a go, with shopping tomorrow. Shakes won't be every morning, but hopefully a few, at least. Plus plenty of chicken, fish and veggies, ham and salad sandwiches (not the best, but mostly healthy and very yummy!), heaps of water, little sugar and things should start going the way they're supposed to. So a little setback, but I'm not going to let it ruin things!
Sunday, October 5, 2014
School holidays are almost over!
School holidays are almost over, and that means that I can get back into my exercise routine. Which means the end of the "bad stuff". On a regular, basis anyway. I still have the urge to bake and make slices and all that naughty stuff, but I'm forcing myself to step away from the baking trays and biscuits, and step back to the kettle bell, the weights and the jogging shoes.
I'll admit, this past week has been bad. But I knew that the holidays would present a challenge (so come Christmas with the 6 week break, I'll be struggling big time!), and so enjoyed one last hurrah, without having too much of a hurrah. I have been keeping good with servings, mostly, and in general, food has been mostly healthy. It's just the sweet snacking and the exercising I need to ramp up, now.
With grocery shopping on Wednesday, I'm considering looking up some healthy smoothy ideas that aren't too expensive, and doing smoothies for breakfast, as I'm very fussy with breakfasts, but won't have time to do any cooking before the school run (and if I don't have breakfast almost immediately after waking up, I feel ill). So easy-to-throw-together-smoothies, I think, is the way to go.
I've found one site that has 20 different ones, and includes nutritional information and serving amounts, and while I'm only browsing at the moment, it looks like a good start. For anyone interested in the smoothies I'm looking at doing, go have a look here. I don't know how close I'll stick with those recipes, but it's a good place to get some ideas and inspiration!
So, easing off on the junk today so it's a fresh, better start tomorrow. Who's with me? On the way to the first goal of a 12kg loss by Christmas!
I'll admit, this past week has been bad. But I knew that the holidays would present a challenge (so come Christmas with the 6 week break, I'll be struggling big time!), and so enjoyed one last hurrah, without having too much of a hurrah. I have been keeping good with servings, mostly, and in general, food has been mostly healthy. It's just the sweet snacking and the exercising I need to ramp up, now.
With grocery shopping on Wednesday, I'm considering looking up some healthy smoothy ideas that aren't too expensive, and doing smoothies for breakfast, as I'm very fussy with breakfasts, but won't have time to do any cooking before the school run (and if I don't have breakfast almost immediately after waking up, I feel ill). So easy-to-throw-together-smoothies, I think, is the way to go.
I've found one site that has 20 different ones, and includes nutritional information and serving amounts, and while I'm only browsing at the moment, it looks like a good start. For anyone interested in the smoothies I'm looking at doing, go have a look here. I don't know how close I'll stick with those recipes, but it's a good place to get some ideas and inspiration!
So, easing off on the junk today so it's a fresh, better start tomorrow. Who's with me? On the way to the first goal of a 12kg loss by Christmas!
Thursday, October 2, 2014
First Goal...achieved!
Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay! I'm awesome
Now that that's been said, Hi it's Sherry here, wanting to do a little update on progress. Well i've been doing very well at this whole getting healthier thing, I can actually see changes, not that there is many but it's a start, I feel better within myself too. It's amazing what uping your water intake can do for you. I was going from a glass maybe every couple of days to 2 litres a day..,..feeling a million times better. I cut out soft drink and sweets too. I haven't had any cravings since my blow out the other day, even then I was craving it, I just wanted to get it out of the house. I generally eat about 1100 - 1300 calories a day and do 25 - 45 minute work outs 3 - 4 times a week. Well this is the first week but i'm sticking to it.
Anyways, This Achievement....*Drum Rolls* I cracked the 125kg!!! woohoo. I currently sit at this:
BMI 43.59
KG 124.5
Waist: 45.5 inches
Hips 56 inches
Bust 48 inches
So since day 1 I've lost 0.8kg I know it's not a lot but when you account for getting up to 126kg because of a blow out week, what ya gonna do? Anyways, I've lost an inch around my bust, an inch and a half around my hips and gained half an inch around my waist. In the grand scheme of things, I'm happy!
I have another goal, short term ones work well! I want to be 124kg or under by Monday after my weekend of working bee. I can't guarentee it will happen because what i'll be eating may not be as strict but I'll keep up the water intake and with all the moving I should be doing, hopefully it will cancel it out!
Also, Because i'm using Wii fit It gives me a chance to set a long term goal, so as of today I have 68 days to lose 9.2 kg yeah, it's going to be hard and to be honest I'd be happy with losing another 4.5kg but the more the better! I have just under 7 months until My Goal date to lose 24.5kg!!! I want to be 100kg by my birthday. It's going to be hard but I know I can do it! I've done it before and this time I know what my mistakes were last time and I'm fixing them!
Anyways i'll stop rambling! if anyone else has a post they would like to add to this blog please let either Casey or myself know! This isn't just for us, it's for anyone who wants to lose weight, have motivation or even be held accountable! That's what I do!
Much love guys,
Now that that's been said, Hi it's Sherry here, wanting to do a little update on progress. Well i've been doing very well at this whole getting healthier thing, I can actually see changes, not that there is many but it's a start, I feel better within myself too. It's amazing what uping your water intake can do for you. I was going from a glass maybe every couple of days to 2 litres a day..,..feeling a million times better. I cut out soft drink and sweets too. I haven't had any cravings since my blow out the other day, even then I was craving it, I just wanted to get it out of the house. I generally eat about 1100 - 1300 calories a day and do 25 - 45 minute work outs 3 - 4 times a week. Well this is the first week but i'm sticking to it.
Anyways, This Achievement....*Drum Rolls* I cracked the 125kg!!! woohoo. I currently sit at this:
BMI 43.59
KG 124.5
Waist: 45.5 inches
Hips 56 inches
Bust 48 inches
So since day 1 I've lost 0.8kg I know it's not a lot but when you account for getting up to 126kg because of a blow out week, what ya gonna do? Anyways, I've lost an inch around my bust, an inch and a half around my hips and gained half an inch around my waist. In the grand scheme of things, I'm happy!
I have another goal, short term ones work well! I want to be 124kg or under by Monday after my weekend of working bee. I can't guarentee it will happen because what i'll be eating may not be as strict but I'll keep up the water intake and with all the moving I should be doing, hopefully it will cancel it out!
Also, Because i'm using Wii fit It gives me a chance to set a long term goal, so as of today I have 68 days to lose 9.2 kg yeah, it's going to be hard and to be honest I'd be happy with losing another 4.5kg but the more the better! I have just under 7 months until My Goal date to lose 24.5kg!!! I want to be 100kg by my birthday. It's going to be hard but I know I can do it! I've done it before and this time I know what my mistakes were last time and I'm fixing them!
Anyways i'll stop rambling! if anyone else has a post they would like to add to this blog please let either Casey or myself know! This isn't just for us, it's for anyone who wants to lose weight, have motivation or even be held accountable! That's what I do!
Much love guys,
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